Here at The-Data-Box, we really have a strong credo, which is « Start simple, enhance later« .

In our (loooong) career of consultants in organization, we have seen many times that, when our prospects are looking for an application to improve their processes, they always want « the ultimate solution that fits 110% of their needs ».

The +10% is just in case…

Of course, today, they work with an Excel sheet, but the next solution they have in mind looks like this :


Our experience has proven that many project failures happened because the customers wanted too much and too fast.

If a customer is working today with Excel sheets, he should not directly target a complex software as the next step.

This is exactly why we have created The-Data-Box with a bottom-up approach : it allows to start with something very simple, and adapt it along the road without rigid constraints.

TDBX_BottomUpBottom-up approach…