As you already know if you’re using PickaForm, you have 3 way of creating a new online application:
- You can pick an application template and use it immediately (or customize it)
- You can start from your own Excel file, and your application will be built automagically
- You can… start from scratch
If the 2 first scenarios are self-explanatory and allow people to easily build their online application in a few clicks, the last scenario was leaving users in some kind of “Ok, what should I do, now?”
To solve this, we’re happy to announce that we’ve introduce a new wizard that will guide you through the basics:
- Creating your first form (or using a template)
- Generating sample data from your form, in order to test your application quickly
- Creating your first list of data (also called “views”, “perspectives”, “datagrids”…)
Once you master the pipeline Form → Data → List, all the rest is just fine tuning, and we’re sure it will help beginners to build their 100% custom online application!